Mary Mary quite contrary...

... How does your garden grow?
Quite well, actually! However, we haven't have a very good summer here so far this year, but I remain hopeful that things will improve. April was quite nice, but May was very cold and wintery and June hasn't been a whole lot better. Despite this, the OH and I have managed to get a few seeds to germinate out the back.
Have a look, we've got:

Baby Broccoli

Baby Cauliflower (the OH is obsessed with cauliflower for some reason)

Baby tomatoes

I know it doesn't look like much, but I assure you that there are tomatoes growing in that tray.

One more, these strange yellow, red and out-of-focus things are Red Okra

We have a few other things on the go as well - pumpkins, squash and peppers, but I think they're a bit shy, because they've yet to make an appearance. We're growing some herbs from seed as well, and mostly they're doing OK, but the terrible weather in May wiped a lot of the seedlings out. It's just as well I planted loads!


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