Mushrooms in the back garden

The OH mowed the back garden the week before last. He left the grass cuttings because "there was so much and I didn't want to deal with it". A few days later some mushrooms popped their heads up:

And a close up

These are Shaggy Ink Caps, Coprinus comatus, which are also known as Lawyer's Wigs or Shaggy Mane. Apparently, they are edible for a short period when they're young. The caps last about a day or 2 before the caps autodigest and turn into this:

Isn't that disgusting? The caps literally melt into a black liquid, which drips away, carrying the spores.

I wasn't brave enough to try them though. Even though I know there are so many edible and delicious things to be found in the wild, I keep hearing my mother's voice telling me not to eat berries or mushrooms I find outside!


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